Foundations of Social Ecological Economics: The Fight for Revolutionary Change in Economic Thought. Manchester: University Press. 30% OFF! If you register for MUP’s newsletter CLICK HERE.
This has three parts: radical foundations, philosophical foundations and social ecological economic foundations. You can click this link CONTENTS to find a fuller two page description giving chapter and section titles.
Book Launch and Panel Discussion now on Vimeo
The book launch took place 18th March at WU, Vienna University of Economics & Business with approx. 180 people present and another 75 online. The event was streamed and recorded and is now available on Vimeo. There are separate videos for the introduction (Michaela Neumann, 7 mins.), book contents (Clive Spash, 30 mins.) and the panel discussion (50 mins.) with Helga Kromp-Kolb, Ulrich Brand, Anke Schaffartzik, and Richard Bärnthaler with facilitation/moderation by Michaela Neumann, and a Q&A (12 mins.).
Advanced Acknowledgment
“This book, written in crystal-clear style, develops the most profound philosophical discussion ever held of ecological economics.” Joan Martinez-Alier, Professor of Economics and Economic History, Autonomous University of Barcelona.
“A brilliant contribution to a radical paradigm of social ecological economics concerned with both disciplinary and social-ecological transformation as necessary conditions for achieving a world in which we all, and all other species, can flourish.’” Tony Lawson, Professor of Economics and Philosophy, University of Cambridge.
“The book is deeply rooted in the theory of science, offering a very enlightening text about fundamental issues for science that too often are glossed over or misunderstood.” Arild Vatn, Professor of Environmental Sciences, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Forthcoming and Recent: Articles, Chapters and Papers
Special Issue: Ecological Economics and the Plurality of Values: Engaging the Work of Clive L. Spash. Now out. Featuring a set of papers relating to and discussing my work and contributions. There is also my reply to the articles “Exploring economic dimensions of social ecological crises: A reply to special issue papers.” [external link] Environmental Values (2024) 33 no.2: 216-245.
The other papers are:
► John O’Neill, Living with integrity;
► Claudia Carter, Reconnecting with the social-political and ecological-economic reality;
► Iana Nesterova, Being of deep transformations: A personal journey inspired by Clive L. Spash;
► Rachelle K. Gould, Austin Himes, Lea M. Anderson, Paola Arias Arevalo, Mollie Chapman, Dominic Lenzi, Barbara Muraca & Marc Tadaki, Building on Spash’s critiques of monetary valuation to suggest ways forward for relational values research;
► Lina Isacs, Cecilia Håkansson, Therese Lindahl, Ulrika Gunnarsson-Östling & Pernilla Andersson “I didn′t count ‘willingness to pay’ as part of the value”: Monetary valuation through the perspective of stated preference study respondents;
► Jacob Ainscough, Jasper Kenter, Elaine Azzopardi & Meriwether Wilson, Participant perceptions of different forms of deliberative monetary valuation: Comparing DMV and DDMV in the context of regional marine planning.
Journal Articles
Clive L. Spash and Clíodhna Ryan (2023) Reorienting economics to social ecological provisioning. (PDF, free to download, external link) Real World Economics Review (106): 34-41.
Røpke, Inge, Clive L Spash, Louison Cahen-Fourot, Gaël Plumecocq, and Franck-Dominique Viven (2023) Building an ecological economy, between science and politics. Revue de la Régulation 35 no.2 Autumn.
Felix Windegger and Clive L. Spash (2023) Reconceptualising freedom in the 21st century: Neoliberalism vs. degrowth. (external link) New Political Economy 28 no.4: 554-573.
Clive L. Spash, Philippe Méral, & Olivier Petit (2023) A journey into the foundations and transformative implications of social ecological economics: An interview with Clive Spash. Développement durable et territoires: Économie, géographie, politique, droit, sociologie 14 no.1 (June) 1-15.
Clive L. Spash (2023) Herman Daly: Some Personal Reflections. Environmental Values 32 no.2: 126-130.
Clive L. Spash (2022) Conservation in conflict: Corporations, capitalism and sustainable development. Biological Conservation (2022) 269 May: 1-9.
Clive L. Spash (2022) Three Decades of Environmental Values: Some Personal Reflections. Environmental Values (2022) 31 no.1: 1-14.
Clive L. Spash and Frédéric Hache (2022) The Dasgupta Review deconstructed: An exposé of biodiversity economics Globalizations 19 (5): 653-676.
Book Chapters
Clive L. Spash (forthcoming) Social ecological transformation of economies: Where the environmental movement went wrong and what is needed? In Cohabiting Earth Edited by Joe Gray & Eileen Crist.
Clive L. Spash & Amelia Fuselier (2023) Cost shifting, competition and economic structure. In Encyclopaedia of Ecological Economics. Edited by Ramos-Martín, J. & Padilla Rosa, E. (eds.). Edward Elgar Publishing pp.87-93.
Clive L. Spash, Adrein Guisan & Carlotta Verita (2023) Social Ecological Economics. In Encyclopaedia of Ecological Economics. Edited by Ramos-Martín, J. & Padilla Rosa, E. (eds.). Edward Elgar Publishing pp.468-474.
Clive L. Spash and Tone Smith (2022) The Values of Nature. In Handbook of Critical Environmental Politics. Edited by Luigi Pellizzoni, Emanuele Leonardi and Viviana Asara. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.318-332.
Discussion Papers
My recent working/discussion papers are now generally posted on Research Papers in Economics (external link, free to download). For a complete chronological listing, including all such papers, past and present, see Discussion/Working Papers.